Min. Deborah Brundage, Pastor Anna Burrows and Pastor Darrell Meadows
This team led by Min. Brundage is a key and vital ministry established by the Lord through a working relationship between Min. Brundage and Bishop Stephens many years ago. In a providentially led meeting at a local Walmart, the WMI Health Ministry Team was birthed! Min. Debi’s background as a certified trainer for the US Navy qualifies her to “teach” and “train” God’s people to live healthy and vigorous lifestyles for the Lord. Deb’s inspirational health reminders are texted throughout the week as reminders that God wants “you” healthy. She sets up workshops and seminars with various health professionals and trainers. Her “health fairs” are special. She is a trainer to church leaders (as this leader is a living witness). Church leaders, if you want a healthy congregation and want to live a healthy lifestyle, please don’t hesitate to contact Debi at our church number (757) 424-7971.
Prayer Warriors Intercessory Team
Min. Debi Brundage leads our team of intercessory prayer warriors. Whenever the word goes out that someone needs to be lifted up before the Lord, this team is contacted and there is an immediate response. What is your prayer need today? Contact us and we will contact our Prayer Warriors.
Kingdom Citizenship Educational Training Center (K.E.T.C.)
In our years of ministry, we were seeing God's people "perish (not literally) for a lack of knowledge. Many of the people that were coming to the ministry did not have a solid foundation nor training that prepared them for the rigors and delights of serving Jesus the King. After over 19 years in the ministry the Lord asked the Bishop a question What is the summary of all your experiences with my people? And he answered it. “He said that my people need training.” Thus was born "Kingdom Citizenship Educational Training Center (KCETC)." It is a certificate educational training course and our vision here is to help small churches train leadership. If you are a small church leader and you need assistance with training your leadership team, please give us a call!
Other Staff Members:
Pastor George Johnson
Pastor Liliana Denis – Education and Missions
Pastor Helen Robinson - Pastor Aide and Convalescent Home Visitation
Prophetess Rosalyn Johnson – Special Events and Services Coordinator
Min. Tiana Chaney – Intercessory Team
Min. Letitia Baysmore – Intercessory Team
Deacon Thomas Chaney – Church Related Business
Deacon Tony Hendrickson – Church Related Business
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Where there is no love and compassion there is no healing. His love in us allows us to bring Him near to heal us.