Pastor Anna Burrows' prophetic gifts flow to the heart of God and receives his love for his “handmaidens.”
This love has led to the creation and formation of PIERCED MINISTRIES:

Vision Statement
- Establish Pierced Ministries as a ministry that will touch every area of hurt and pain of women who need a full restoration through Christ’s healing love. We will accomplish this through seminars, intercessory prayer, building trust, truth and honesty in our relationships, creating strong bonds through “sisterhood” by fostering a strong relationship with Jesus Christ.

Mission Statement
- Pierced Ministries is a ministry established by Christ Jesus as a healing and deliverance ministry. The Lord wants women to be healed from the pain that they endured during their lifetime. The Lord sees their wounds and pains as reflective of His wounds from the “Piercing” of His bleeding side that was poured out at Calvary. Just as His water and blood was poured out and fell to the ground. He wants the pains and wounds of His daughters to be poured out also into His burial tomb. So that He may resurrect life back into them. John 19:34
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Where there is no love and compassion there is no healing. His love in us allows us to bring Him near to heal us.